Sisters & Associates Attend AFC in St. Louis June 9-12

Jun 15, 2023

Five Dubuque Franciscan Sisters and Associates attended the Annual Franciscan Federation Conference (AFC) June 9-12  in St. Louis, Missouri.

Attending the 4-day gathering were  Sister Shell Balek and Franciscan Associates Nancy Knipper, Shelle Watters, Dave and Jane Heiar.  The theme “Awaken JoyThere’s room for you in the crib” celebrated both the 800th anniversary of St. Francis creating the first creche at Greccio and the Federation’s movement toward more inclusivity.

“Attending my first Franciscan Federation Conference was everything I had hoped for and more,” stated Dave Hear. “In addition to educational keynote speakers and breakout sessions, I felt Franciscan love and compassion everywhere I turned. I left Saint Louis after four days, totally reenergized.”

The AFC gathers Franciscans from all over the country, “in one location, to engage in networking and collaborating efforts, to share in meals and prayer with each other, and to live out the Franciscan charism together!” reads the AFC website.

“I was grateful for the opportunity to be at the Franciscan Federation Conference in St. Louis,” said Nancy.  “I appreciated the opportunities I had to connect with other associates and to share ideas and thoughts with each other.  Some people I had only ‘met’ on zoom, so it was an added bonus to meet them in person!”

Caption: Sister Shell Balek, Jane and Dave Heiar, Shelle Watters, and Nancy Knipper in St. Louis.


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