Sisters and Associates Show Support for Immigrants

Jun 19, 2024

On Monday, June 10, Sisters Nancy Miller and Rita Goedken, and Franciscan Associates Bill Hickson, Rose Quirk, and Gary and Nancy Guthrie traveled to Des Moines for a rally and preliminary hearing regarding a recently passed anti-immigration Iowa law. SF2340 would require state police to enforce federal immigration policy to identify and arrest noncitizens for alleged violations.

Over 150 people gathered to express strong opposition to this law. At the hearing, lawyers for the U.S. Department of Justice, the ACLU, for the Iowa Movement for Migrant Justice, and for the Iowa legislature itself testified before the judge in the federal court. Opponents of the bill asked for an injunction to block the law which is scheduled to take effect on July 1. (Update: On Tuesday, June 18, U.S. Federal Judge Stephen Locher temporarily blocked it from becoming law.)

While the hearing was going on, a peaceful rally took place outside. With songs and messages of hope and determination, the speakers inspired the crowd to remain strong, active, and filled with hope. An event like this is a learning experience in every way – about the complexities of the law, about firmness of purpose and commitment to the cause of justice for the vulnerable, and to the absolute necessity of being involved in the cause of right and of compassion.


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