DBQ Franciscans Hosted Two Summer Camps for Girls

Jun 19, 2024

Tis the season for summer camps at MSFC!  Over a period of seven days, 5 young women and 3 college mentors attended “Surfin’ the C’s” overnight leadership camp on June 7-8; and 19 girls and 5 high school counselors attended BFF (Best Franciscan Friends) Day Camp June 10-12.

“To watch the girls share laughter and stories with the sisters is most meaningful,” said Charism Team Member Julie Tebbe.

Surfin’ the C’s focused on compassion, courage, and confidence; and the theme of BFF Camp was “LOVE” (Living Our Values Everyday).

Each camp culminates with a closing program to summarize what the girls experienced during their time at MSFC. Following the Surfin’ the C’s program, camper Brielle commented on how much she loved being here and how she “can’t wait to come back again next year!”


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