The Deer

Sister Eileen Miller, OSF

I am the deer who sleeps in the rain garden.
I have a fawn and the garden is a great bed for both of us.

People think I’m pretty and graceful,
but they don’t really want me around.
I’m not sure why – I don’t mind having them around.
It seems we could all live together.

Of course, I do like their gardens –
favorite pretty snacks of mine are tulip, rose,
and sunflower blossoms.
And I LOVE green bean plants and the tops of tomato plants.
Humans get testy when I eat these things
but isn’t that what they are for?
I always leave things for them –
cucumbers, squash, onions, herbs (they stink!),
the tomatoes themselves, and lots of other blooms.

My fawn loves to munch on the apples that fall from the trees.
I tell her not to get too close to the humans
as I’m not sure they will treat her well,
but she seems unafraid and bats her big eyes at them
and they seem charmed.

Lately there’s been a lot of noise around here and
some of my friends have moved elsewhere,
but I’m content in my home in the rain garden.
I think I’ll stay.