I Believe

Sister Virginia Jennings, OSF

I BELIEVE in the web of life –
all creation interconnected and interdependent.

I BELIEVE that life is about relationship
flowing from the life of the Trinity.

I BELIEVE that the Creator has given creation
the innate power to restore, heal, replenish, and balance.

I BELIEVE that we are meant to live fully
Into God’s very best dream for us and for our world.

I BELIEVE that death and dying are a part of the natural circle of life
And not to be feared but embraced as the gateway to the Fullness of LIFE.

I BELIEVE that – although – the human family has great significance in God’s plan,
We are but a spark in the Universe.

I BELIEVE that being in right relationship with creation – truly in right relationship –
Could bring an end to the pain and suffering humans inflict on one another.

I BELIEVE that God will not give up on us,
And we should not give up on one another.