I Believe

I Believe

Sister Virginia Jennings, OSF I BELIEVE in the web of life – all creation interconnected and interdependent. I BELIEVE that life is about relationship flowing from the life of the Trinity. I BELIEVE that the Creator has given creation the innate power to restore,...
Climate Change

Climate Change

Sister Ruth Elsbernd, OSF CC used to be well-behaved. But now his deterioration had actually become vicious. Some blamed his unhealthy diet, fed him by certain groups. A black hard basic food, along with a special liquid drink gradually caused CC to turn ugly. People...
Liz’s Garden

Liz’s Garden

Sister Liz Hilvers, OSF I am Liz’s garden space With long-stemmed peppers and leaves like lace. I have thin walls of chicken wire: The deer keep out, the sunflowers spire. I talk to Liz when she walks past. She loves me with a love to...
Insect World

Insect World

Sister Janet May, OSF Look at us, take time to slow down. We come in such a variety of colors, shapes, forms. Sometimes we are crawling, sometimes we fly. The wind can carry us and sometimes presents a challenge. Don’t kill us too quickly, we help to open...
The Deer

The Deer

Sister Eileen Miller, OSF I am the deer who sleeps in the rain garden. I have a fawn and the garden is a great bed for both of us. People think I’m pretty and graceful, but they don’t really want me around. I’m not sure why – I don’t mind...