11 New Franciscan Associates Commissioned

Oct 2, 2023

The Dubuque Franciscans commissioned 11 new Franciscan Associates at a liturgy on Sunday, October 1.

The 11 new Franciscan Associate are:: Betsy Bradley, Carol Harpenau, Glenn Sibbel, Helen Maddix, Joan Hoffman, Kathryn Mlsna, Kathy Reardon, Margaret (Peggy) Nesler, Michele Mead, Rachel Heiderscheit, and Tricia Van Den Top.

“These people we call ‘our’ Associates’ are not really ours. They have been called by the Divine spirit working in their lives,” said Sister Kathy Knipper at the liturgy on the final day of Gathering. “To what they are called is not even ours to define. The call to the vineyard for the sake of transforming the world in the name of love belongs to these Associates, to the Sisters of St. Francis–to each and all of us.”


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