Mount St. Francis Employees Recognized for Years of Service

Apr 11, 2024

he annual Mount St. Francis Employee Appreciation and Recognition dinner was held Wednesday, April 10.  Special recognition was given to employees who completed 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service.  Employees were treated to a special dinner held at Shalom Spirituality Center.

“We value your dependability, your optimism and look forward to seeing you tomorrow, ready and eager to add more years of service with the Sisters of St. Francis,” said Sister Kathy Knipper, President of the Sisters of St. Francis in her remarks at the dinner.

This year’s honorees were:

30 Years:
Tina Oberfoell

25 Years:
Denise Krug
Nina Siegworth
Vivian Fluhr

20 Years:
Dee Sanner
Jennifer Knapp
Julie Becker
Ron Weitz
Robyn Miller
Jessica Pickel

15 Years:
Kathy Neuses
Jamie Ward

10 Years:
Susan Black
Linda Hocking
Curtis Dewulf
Kristin Kluesner
Sr. Mary Lechtenberg
Sr. Kathy Knipper
Wecan Kobin
Kim Reed
Jessica Sibok
Valorie Levai
Sr. Bertha Bonert
Michele Hammel
Danette Abresch
Shelli Schmitt
Laura Snaith

5 Years:
Julie Hill
Rachel Timmerman
Nancy Miller
Haley Jellison
Atmila Betwell
Sheila McCarty
David Freiburger


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